[VIDEO] Limbaugh Floats Idea Of Why Republicans Are Retiring Possibly Giving Dems An Opportunity

5 years ago

“Now, people will say, ‘Well, Rush, I’ll tell you what it is. The truth be known: There’s a bunch of Republicans that just can’t stand Trump.’ That’s not what it is. That’s what they want you to think. That’s not what it is.

“You know what I think’s going on? I think — and don’t doubt me on that. I can’t prove this ’cause this is just a supposition. But I think, based on how I have seen Democrats and their operatives act, I think — and that given that nobody, no human being is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow,” 

“We’ve all got something in our closets. We’ve all done something that we don’t want people to know about. I think the Democrats are finding dirt, and they’re going to these Republicans, and they’re saying, ‘Do you want people to know about this? We are glad to publicize this about you.’ ‘Oh, no, no. No, no! Please don’t.’ ‘Well, OK. Then you gotta retire.’

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