Guilty Dog Turns Into Statue When Confronted

5 years ago

Nobody really needs to face an error they’ve made – obviously, that involves dogs, too! It seems this dog got a little too crazy and hit over some things in the house, and his owner wants him to fess up…but he’ll do anything to act as innocent as he can!

This is the adorable moment when a naughty dog scattered rubbish all over the living room floor. The naughty dog went through the trash, ripped open the plastic bags and scattered rubbish all over the living room floor. When the owner confronted her about it, she couldn't face looking at her owner without making a scrunchy face covered with guilt. Too funny!

We have got a tricky one on our hands! Delilah wasn't supposed to be playing with the trash, but she didn't know that her owner was home. Her reaction when being faced with the dog she made is priceless. Judging by the scrunchy face she is making, she is occupied with guilt all right! A guilty dog turns into a statue when defied

Footage shows dog standing in the middle of the room, with trash being scattered all over the place, pulling the sad dog eyes on the owner, after realizing what she has done! The owner will have to give her the credit at least for recognizing the blame. However, when the owner confronts her, she decided to blatantly ignore the mess and any of the consequences that follow, by making a scrunchy face and lay on the floor with a guilty look on her face.

This bad dog scattered rubbish all over the living room floor, she refuses to look at her owner. She just slept on the floor with a guilty expression on her face. Her reaction is just hilarious! Definitely, this dog has a lot of attitudes to show, which is bold and in the end - it works.

Although she seems cantankerous, it is actually a very sweet, and friendly dog. She is a playful and an excellent companion, unfortunately, she does not handle stressful situations very well, much less knowing that her facial expression betrays her, that she is extremely guilty and that her owner knows it.

But what would be of many homes without the presence of these smart and ingenious companions? The personality of our canine friends can vary by the race, the age and the environment where they are unfolding; but without a doubt what that is true, is that the insight they have and their way of reacting to certain situations always leave us abysmal.

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