4 years ago

Freedom Fighters,
We have a story coming out of Evansville, IN; by a YouTuber known as Hoosier Eye Balls.

He is a new channel that has entered the movement due to the actions of the officers in the video that you are about to see.
Hoosier pulled into a gas station to get gas and observed several offices in the parking lot.

He decided to get a quick video when he was approached and threatened for filming the encounter. After being accosted by the initial office another office claiming to be an undercover officer approaches him claiming that his videoing the police officers were putting their lives in danger. Please, take a look at his video and let me know what you guys think down in the description below. Onn a side note in the off chance this is an officer who is undercover I have blurred his face for now until I can confirm he is undercover.

Guys Please go over to Hoosier eyeballs and show your support by subscribing to him. It's my understanding that he will bring more content to help in our cause of Transparency and Accountability. In my opinion it is stupid to approach a camera as an undercover officer, however, we are all human and in the off chance, he is an undercover I will blur his face for now. I don’t have too but that is my choice. Post your thoughts down below on what you think about this encounter. Thanks for watching guys Don’t forget when you're dealing with police, BE SAFE BE VIGILANT AND KNOW YOUR RIGHTS

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