Car Accident Near-Miss Ends In Spontaneous Hug

5 years ago

Watch this incredibly close call Car accident on a USA highway that ends in a spontaneous hug. Heartwarming! Must see! This could have been a serious accident, resulting in the highway being shut down for an hour. But miraculously, the filmer car missed the red car by mere inches and everyone drove away unhurt! At the last of the video, you can see the tense situation ends in a spontaneous hug. Heartwarming!

Video owner writes on a Facebook post. "I had just left my daughters at the academy and was traveling to the gym when the event occurred. I did not get the woman's name that almost hit me but she was pretty shaken up. The hug was just unprompted, I think both we needed it."

Being a good driver means that you are extremely observant while driving especially on the highways. You need to know where every car around you is and what they are doing at all times. This driving habit can get you out of a lot of situations like this one. If the driver of the red car was not paying attention and did not have sight out of his peripheral view, he would not have had the time to brake so suddenly, avoiding the accident.

We can observe anything on the highways; we leave our houses without having the slightest idea of what might happen on the ride ahead. For this purpose, keeping an eye on the cars is the best way to prevent collisions while driving.

Even if we take all the important measures to drive carefully, we should always be very careful because of the other people who drive on the highways who also affect our well-being when it comes to riding. It is of numerous help to alert other car drivers if we see that something is wrong with their cars because car crashes are like the effect of dominoes. When a car suddenly breaks down, it can cause a crash that could end up harming many other people who drive on the same road.

Thinking fast often gets us out of trouble, do not you think? This man's ability at the wheel is incredible and we are glad there is no harm done. What do you think?

Have you ever been in such a close call on the highway before? Or have you captured footage of a close call? We all need to be careful while driving and pay attention to the other cars traveling beside you. We are so happy that everyone walked away from this without a scratch and hope that the car drivers learned a very valuable lesson!

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