Police Captain Has The Perfect Response To Scam Caller

5 years ago

Everyone can be a victim of scammers. Even the Police Officers, who are the people tasked with fighting crime, can be a victim. This video exactly shows that. Officer Sheward of the Apex Police Department in North Carolina shares a video of how his fellow Police Officer named Captain Ann Stephens, who is also a Police Officer of the Apex Police Department in North Carolina, received a call from a scammer. Captain Ann Stephens received a call from a supposed IRS in order to try to get money from her. Captain Stephens at first went along and answered the scammers questions. But later on, she refused to give the details of her address. She refused since she did not need to give the details of her address if they have a file on her since that would contain her address. The scammer started getting aggressive at this point. He started threatening Captain Stephens. He even said that she should cooperate with him and answer his questions since there are several allegations against her and other people are suing her. After that, in order to strengthen the fact that he is a legit caller he then said that he is Officer John Black who has the badge number FFA11067. He again asked for Captain Stephens' home address. But he used another method this type. He said that he would tell her an address and she could just answer yes or no. Unfortunately for the scammer the address he provided was not the right one. Captain Stephens, feeling sorry for the scammer, then provided him with a false address which is 205 Saunders. This address was actually the address of Apex Police Department.

The scammer, thinking that he should give some sort of reward to Captain Stephens after she provided her false address, then told Captain Stephens the allegations against her. He said that the allegations involve legal enforcement agencies. But then he stopped giving more information at this point. He again baited Captain Stephens by saying that more information can only be released after she verified the last four digits of her social security. Captain Stephens refused to give such information. The caller again got aggressive. But Captain Stephens still refused to give her social security.

Officer Sheward then pointed the camera towards him and gave the advice of never ever giving you social security and current address or anything these people might be asking. This is because these people are going to use this information against their victim.

At this point, the scammer again threatened Captain Stephens. He said that a Sheriff's Deputy will go to where she is currently located and arrest her due to serious allegations under her name. The allegations against her was supposed to her having 25 fraudulent bank accounts opened under her name in order to commit a fraud of more than 10 million dollars. These bank accounts were supposedly used for illegal local and international bank wire transfer including money laundering, drug trafficking and internal revenue source tax scams all over USA.

He even transferred Captain Stephens to the supposed Senior Investigation Officer Jason Brown. This Officer even asked the number of bank accounts she has. But Captain Stephens still refused to give the information. Captain Stephens then again asked the scammer how many allegations there are against her. At this time the scammer answered 2. Captain Stephens then said that the previous scammer said she had 25. At this point the scammer hung up. Captain Stephens then said to never give out your information to scammers.

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