Criminal defense attorneys | Lawyers | Auburn, IN | YKJ Law

4 years ago

Charged with a Crime in Auburn, IN?
Criminal Defense Attorneys Yoder, Kraus & Jessup Can Help.
Being arrested for and charged with a crime is a harrowing experience. The entire process is designed to intimidate you—to make you feel uneasy, uncertain, and frightened of what may happen to you. No matter the seriousness of the charge, you must remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. You also have the right to remain silent. It is this right that you should think about most if you are in trouble with the law.

The Fifth Amendment protects people from self-incrimination. In other words, you do not have to turn in evidence against yourself. Although you may feel it is better to cooperate with a police investigation and answer the questions asked of you, it is in fact not a good idea. The first person you should call if arrested is a Auburn, IN criminal defense attorney. And you should say nothing until your lawyer arrives

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