Howling Dog Sings The Siren Song

5 years ago

People say that, over time, dogs start to resemble their owners, both in looks and in behavior. Whether it’s the animals that start imitating their humans, or the humans start to identify themselves with their dogs, it doesn’t matter, there are hundreds of photos online where dog owners look almost exactly like their dogs!
In ancient times, dogs helped our ancestors hunt for mammoth and toothed tigers. Dog teams bare the credit naturalists, geologists and other adventure-seekers ventured into expeditions and conquest of the Arctic and Antarctic.

In the world of today, many dogs live a comfortable couch life next to their beloved owners and we are grateful to them for the company and the occasional funny thing they do to make us happy. This is why, among other things, people love to show off their pets. The little rascals are treated as stars, as cute toy creatures that give one joy, or even ugly, but ridiculously funny pets. Pets are, and this is a fact, one of the top-5 keyword searches on the Internet.

It's a perfectly normal day in this house hold and all seems to be calm and quiet. You see a dog on the sofa and close by there is a kitten just doing it's thing. However, as per usual something has to happen to disturb the beautiful peace. Yes, that's right, an ambulance it seems is speeding through the suburban streets heading towards a life saving mission. And this big guy will not let it go by unnoticed.

As soon as the siren goes off, he perks up his ears and a serious manner is brought to his face. He looks through the window it seems and makes out that even from the distance there is some sort of disturbance. He is patient enough to follow the ambulance through and as the the noise from the sirens slowly fades away he can't help but mimic the sound of the siren.

That's right, you read that correct! Take a look at this dog's reaction and the kitten just standing in the back and curiously observing as to what has made this puppy react in such manner! Take a look as this video is bound to put a smile on your face! Enjoy!

Please share this video with your family and friends as it is sure to make them smile! This is on funny moment that will is sure to brighten up your day!

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