Insane Footage Shows Mattresses Getting Swept Away By Heavy Winds

5 years ago

Natives of Denver, Colorado’s Stapleton neighborhood thought they were going to watch a film in the great outdoors, what they witnessed instead was, The Great Mattress Migration of 2019.

According to The Denver Channel, 155 mattresses had been set up for an outdoor cinema night in the park, but before moviegoers could thrust back in those air mattresses to watch Back to the Future in style, a sudden storm swept within. Without people to weigh them down, the mattresses were escaped to go wherever the blow would take them.

So the wind pulled up the air mattresses and sent that flock blowing in the whirlwind and speeding across the city’s Runway 35 Park. According to the Denver Post, local Robb Manes was stretching out in a nearby swimming pool when the wind blew up. He was naturally shocked when an air mattress fell out of the sky, like an undesired Amazon shipment. It landed in the swimming pool next to him as if the storm desired Manes to have a new floatie.

After the first few air mattresses were airdropped on Manes, he determined to get out of the swimming pool to discover out what was going on. That is when he saw the air mattress account of a Sharknado heading his direction. Instead of going for a cover, Manes boldly whipped out his cell phone to capture the video as the wind sent some 40 to 800 mattresses right at him.

Robb Manes, 31, said the mattresses were placed up on Saturday for an outdoor movie event close to a swimming pool when winds swept the air beds downwind.

Calling the flying mattress spectacle 'surreal', he recommended that the event had skipped to weigh the beds down as they were being set up.

The beds flew through a park, with several seen flying over a barrier and into a swimming pool to the wonder of swimmers. Mr. Manes said he was at a swimming pool in the Stapleton area of Denver when the event happened, and that the mattresses were flying for around 20 minutes.

He uploaded the incident video to YouTube and Facebook, where he title it great Mattress Migration of 2019.

Like the highest storm chasers and weather-beaten meteorologists, Manes stood his ground despite the risks. If his video clip of Great Mattress Migration of 2019, in the video above, does not win him a Pulitzer, surely at least it should win him a career with National Geographic.

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