Unicyclist Races Past Car on the Lakeside Drive

5 years ago

Taking a relaxing drive along the waterfront will make any day seem extra special. Cruising along the lake at a nice leisurely pace, taking in the fresh air, amazing scents of wild flowers and pine trees makes it even better. Chatting with her husband about how beautiful the lake looks on this warm July day in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Larraine hears something approaching from behind them. All of a sudden a guy dressed in what looks like full battle armour goes zooming past them on the sidewalk. Running?…No. Riding a lightweight high end bicycle?… No! What he was on was a motor powered unicycle, how amazing. These powered unicycles have become quite popular in the recent years. Available in many varieties and of course price ranges, they range in speeds 20 to 30 mph. That is quite fast when zooming along on ONE WHEEL. Relying fully on a gyroscope within the machine to keep you stable does take some practice to get use to. Along with the high speed model unicycles come extra costs. What is believed to be the GOTWAY MSUPER 18 unicycle in this video, the price tag falls around $2000 U.S dollars. Other models can range up into the $3000 and higher price range. This new type of transportation is definitely not a cheep mode of transportation, but very easy to store at home or workplace. If you want speed and further distance capability, that too will involve a higher end model of unicycle. Running on battery power to keep the unicycle rolling, faster speeds means shorter battery life of course.Some high end models will have distance ranges closing in on 60 miles making morning commutes quite easy. Some very cool options also are available on some of the unicycles. Front and rear lighting which makes for safer rides, as well as built in high definition speakers for enjoying your most favourite tunes while rolling along the roadways. Just like our well known and favourite motor vehicles, some weigh more than others. Thirty to fifty pounds is the range of these unicycles, so get ready for a little exercise lifting these little machines once you arrive to your destination. Plugging into a wall outlet or usb outlet will have you back on the road by the end of your work day. Don't forget your safety gear…you never can be too safe out on the road!

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