Dem Pete Buttigieg reveals new pro-workers plan Unlisted Video

5 years ago

A few days ahead of the next Democratic debate, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg revealed a plan that backs American workers and increases minimum wages.
According to Reuters, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana's plan is called “A New Rising Tide: Empowering Workers in a Changing Economy.”
His proposal not only comes with a $15 an hour minimum wage guarantee, it also calls for bargaining rights for gig economy and fast-food workers, along with subcontractors.
Buttigieg, 37, said that if he becomes president, he would also close the gender pay gap, stomp out workplace harassment and discrimination against women, and enforce sick leave and paid family leave.
Although various parts of Pete's plan have also been proposed by rival candidates, Reuters reports that his popularity is on the rise.
"He has been rising in the polls in recent weeks and raised $24.8 million between April and June this year, more than any other of his White House rivals."

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