Daredevil Attempts Insane Car Jump Stunt

5 years ago

Jokes aside, there are but a few sensations like the rush of adrenaline coursing through one’s body. While adrenaline is known as ‘the stress hormone’, its effects do not necessarily have to be detrimental. In fact, studies have shown that a little bit of adrenaline can actually be good for you. When your body is overwhelmed with adrenaline, your mind is focused, centered, and ready to deal with intellectual undertakings that much faster. It is almost like drinking a good, strong cup of coffee. Your entire senses are heightened, making you feel more alive.

To get behind the wheel and go out on an open road can feel like a nice journey to relaxation for people nowadays. But there are some places around the globe that you simply wouldn’t dare to visit by yourself, especially not on a motorbike.

For many life is just one and it's so short that they don't waste time doing everything they want, especially extreme things that can put their lives at risk; that's the idea, to challenge life and feel that we're alive with every experience and every adventure we embark on. Filling the body with adrenaline is the exciting way of living the day to day of many people, who are not afraid of anything and live each day to the fullest, counting and showing their exploits and the great guts they have, something that makes us tremble more than one but we still love to see.

We know that stunts are extremely dangerous and the people that decide to do the stunt are usually pretty crazy for even considering a dangerous stunt. Now, taking into consideration that we like to keep very much to the safe side, seeing something like this truly has us biting our nails.

Not much we can say about this video except the fact that this man actually has gotten into a car, pressed on the gas paddle and quickly starts heading towards the ramp. When he hits the ramp the car flies in the air and the rest is history.

We aren't certain of his well being however he seems okay as no one around him seems to panic, instead cheer and clap, as the firefighters approach the car. Take a look and be, well, amazed at what happens!

Check out this epic stunt that ends in total disaster. Evel Knievel would be proud! What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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