Owner Screams Bloody Murder When She Discovers What The Pets Are Chasing

5 years ago

It's really easy to forget that we are not the only living beings living on this planet. We're trapped in our concrete jungles, escaping the scorching heat and the freezing icy winters in the sanctity of our homes. The only contact with the outside world are photographs and videos of animals living freely in the wild. But they are here, we share the same oxygen, we share the food, the water, the ups and downs of the climate changes.

Love for animals has only increased as time has gone on. This day we can see lots of animals, whther it is dogs, cats being the most dominant but also pigs, rabbits, hedgehogs and many more that were previously known as eatables now have become completly domesticated.

People say that, over time, dogs start to resemble their owners, both in looks and in behavior. Whether it’s the animals that start imitating their humans, or the humans start to identify themselves with their dogs, it doesn’t matter, there are hundreds of photos online where dog owners look almost exactly like their dogs!

Cats on the other hand are independent as the rising sun. They observe everything with their gentle feline eyes, they loves to sit on a lap for strokes, they purr like a well oiled engine - loud and strong, and wind around their owner’s legs at meal times. Cats are indeed funny animals with their black and white preened fur they patrol in the garden, chase butterflies and pounce on beetles. When they are confined within the borders of their homes, they leave muddy paw prints across the kitchen tiles, mew for food when they are hungry and snooze on the couch, wait for fuss, purr like a tractor while their fur flies everywhere.

Well, now that you've been famillliarized with bith dog and cat, we have a video which shows both working together for the greater good. These guys are running and sniffing around the kitchen counter as their owner takes out the camera and films.

Her interest is peeked when she sees both her cat and dog snif intensly around the kitchen counter. There is no way she can tell as to why this is until,well, the very end of the video. There is a specific reason why these guys are so interested. Take a look and find out what their looking for or just wait till the end until the creature comes out!

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