Himalayan Salt Lamp Putting Cat's Life in Danger

5 years ago

Salt lamps are made out of giant hunks of Himalayan salt. They are reported to have various health benefits such as improving sleep, increasing blood flow, and even easing the symptoms of asthma or allergies. Problem is, while your salt lamp may have health benefits for you, it could actually jeopardize your cat's life.

Too much salt is poisonous for both dogs and cats. Salt poisoning can cause serious symptoms in your pet, like vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, lethargy, and even death. Now, cats and dogs do need some salt, in moderation, to keep their bodies functioning. However, the recommended maximum daily salt intake for a cat is 16.7 mg.

As far as home decor goes, it's better to look for a lamp that won't harm your animals! There must be a lamp other than the Himalayan pink salt lamp with health benefits and health claims that also help your overall well-being.

These pink salt crystals are mined in the Himalayan mountains. Essentially the rock salt lamp detoxifies the air and creates a sense of balance which is great! We absolutely understand why an air purifier and air ionization is so great for your home but there are plants that have the same impact and similar beneficial effects. Consider looking at a few special plants instead of this Himalayan salt crystal.

Plants can improve the air quality in your living room and they have their own type of ambiance. Skip this salt rock altogether and choose a plant with orange and pinkish hues instead! If you must have a night light, I've found there are great options in the children's section that have a soft hue (a warm glow) and a dimmer that is very appealing for sleeping. Plants are also known to create positive energy levels.

Just research other options as this crystal salt lamp is causing a lot of harm to cats especially. If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) check with a doctor about what options make the most sense and what types of light sources will work as well as a salt crystal lamp.

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