Lovely rabbit on sunset

4 years ago

Rabbits are also adopted as pets. However, it is necessary to verify if, in fact, the family or individual in question is able to maintain it, and also to respect its restrictions. The first is about young children. Rabbits, when irritated, tend to defend themselves by biting. Because their teeth are very sharp and children like to test the limits of animals, it may not be a good choice to get this animal, unless they are well advised on how to proceed with them. Two rules are important: they do not like to be on their lap and will not know how to defend themselves from dogs or cats if you already have these pets at home.

Ideally, live in freedom in the yard; or in metal cages, but releasing them when possible. However, it is essential that you never forget that rabbits often gnaw on what lies ahead, so it is necessary to get out of their reach what might be the next target, avoiding hassles and also safeguarding the health of the animal.

As for food, there is adequate ration for this, but it can be supplemented with fresh hay and vegetables.

Rabbits should have their hair brushed once a week, so there is no need to bathe.

They need to visit a veterinarian at least once a year - and receive the appropriate vaccines.

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