Hairless Chimp Performs Circus-Like Balancing Act

5 years ago

Mother Nature can surprise us more every day, especially when it comes to the oceans, since nobody knows what is hidden in the depths of some oceans, so the oceans remain a mystery to most people, there are even people that fear the ocean. There are new creatures that are often found at the bottom of the sea and this generates insecurity and panic in some people, although for others it is a historical fact that you should know how to appreciate, since it is something that is not seen every day.

It is necessary that we respect the maritime rules, since they were created mainly for our well-being, often people tend to ignore these rules, but in some cases they tend to be fundamental for survival. In this case, we can see how the people in the container ship are a little scared, but they know how to stay calm, and that is very important.
Most people think that the oceans are the biggest mystery on the planet, and that is something that should not be questioned.

Each monkey has a very different personality and brings a different specialty to the sessions. People gravitate towards a certain horse or, more often, a monkey will gravitate towards them and then the real magic begins. Monkeys are exceptionally affectionate, playful and even patient. People describe their time at the Mane Intent differently but all agree that the ten gentle souls that make up this herd are truly unique. For many, the visit is a very moving and emotional experience that can drastically change their outlook. These monkeys are capable of connecting with people in a way that has to be seen to be believed.

The question on your mind is, why is Jambo hairless? People also call him the 'naked chimp'. Some people think they shaved him or that he is ill. The truth is, the ape has Alopecia, a medical term for hair loss and he had it since adolescence. He is now 35 years old and with his hair gone you can simply see how powerfully muscular he is. Being a hairless chimpanzee hasn't stopped him from anything, rather the opposite as he's the alpha male and rules his habitat!

Jambo the hairless chimp from the Twycross Zoo in England is seen here balancing on the rope. He doesn't look like the most comfortable ape up there and is wobbling quite a bit. It was definitely easier getting up then down. The last bits he decides to just slide the rest of the way, trying to balance carefully!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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