Dog The Bounty Hunter Reveals Beth Chapman’s Heartbreaking Final Words

5 years ago

Hours after her death, Beth Chapman’s husband Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman spoke to reporters for the first time.

Dog said, “When she had an attack, I didn’t know anything to do but to say ‘in Jesus’ name’ and hold her, and when I said ‘in Jesus’ name’, she said, ‘Say it again, say it more.’ And then she told the girls and everybody, with her mouth — she came out of it a couple times — ‘I love you’ and ‘Are you guys all okay? Don’t worry,’ but she never accepted it.”

Struggling to hold back tears, Dog admitted that Beth’s death “came very unexpected, really fast,” adding, “All of her clothes were exactly where they were, her makeup, everything. We didn’t prepare.”

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