Justin Bieber Singing About Selena Gomez In NEW Chris Brown Song

5 years ago

There’s a whirlwind going around the Golden State Warriors as the Free Agency period in the NBA quickly approaches and Andre Iguodala possibly gives us an inside perspective if how the Warriors training staff handles their players. Also, did that Chinese fan just call Steph Curry the N word? Now that fans have had 24 hours to dissect Justin Biebers new song with Chris Brown they are NOT here for it…because he’s clearly singing about his ex Selena Gomez when we all know he’s a married man. PLUS…We’ve got to talk about how the potential of SHAMILA actually happening just got that much greater as it’s been revealed that Camila Cabello and Matthew Hussey have called it QUITS. I’m talking about the latest break up news right now so stay tuned for the latest.

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