Senior Democrats fear debate will devolve into circular firing squad Unlisted Video

5 years ago

This week the DNC will host two presidential debate between the top-20 candidates running for the Democratic nomination.
Politico reports that the debates are a source of stress for Democratic insiders.
Nearly 20 Democratic elected officials, party chiefs, labor leaders and operatives spoke to Politico about the debates.
They revealed an air of foreboding verging on alarm .
Their concern?
That the debates will degenerate into a two-night, bare-knuckle brawl.
For many Democrats, the divisive 2016 Democratic primary is still fresh in their minds.
The current presidential candidates have started taking swipes at one another.
The fear is that voters will be left with the impression that the Democrats are nothing more than a bickering, small-minded opposition party.
The DNC 2020 Presidential Debates will take place Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27.

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