Measles epidemic grows Unlisted Video

5 years ago

The CDC reports the US has already had more measles cases in 2019 than in any full year since 1992.
The CDC recorded 971 measles cases from January 1 to May 30, 2019.
Business Insider reports that figure beat the previously record of 963 cases in 1992.
New York City has been particularly badly affected, with over 550 cases.
Mayor Bill de Blasio introduced $1,000 fines for parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.
The nationwide measles epidemic shows no sign of slowing.
Some families avoid vaccinating their children.
Some citing the widely debunked belief that vaccines cause autism.
CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield said: "I want to reassure parents that vaccines are safe, they do not cause autism."
Before a measles vaccine became widely available in the 1960s, around 500 people died from the virus every year.

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