Baby Bald Eagle calls Mama for food

5 years ago

Bald Eagles are and beautifully amazing creature. “Majestic and graceful it is such a blessing to be able to enjoy these birds right in my back yard “. That is how Brent explained watching this family of eagles not far from his home is Surrey British Columbia. This family of eagles, with its now two young eaglets is in a nesting platform created by a home construction development company called Dawson Sawyer. The Hancock Wildlife Foundation is an organization which David Hancock initiated to study bald eagles in the middle 1950’s on southern Vancouver Island in British Columbia. After years of doing research throughout the Vancouver Island region on the population growth and effects of society on the eagles, more recently David and his foundation has repeated some of the Gulf Island surveys but primarily concentrated on the nesting and wintering populations of eagles in the Greater Vancouver / Lower Fraser Valley area. The nesting populations in the Lower Fraser Valley area of Greater Vancouver have gone from 3 pairs found during the early 1960s. The numbers of mating bald eagles during the 1960s was drastically reduced by the period when a  $2.00 per pair of eagle legs bounty was paid to fisherman and game wardens by the State of Alaska for killing eagles. These numbers have regained strength from organizations such as Davids Hancock Wildlife Foundation working hard, and today it is estimated that over 500 nesting pairs are now breeding in the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland of Vancouver B.C. Back to the Surrey townhome development. When Dawson Sawyer started to develop the land for the new homes, they had in their minds that they also wanted to create a new home for some eagles. Together with input and direction from David Hancock and his Hancock Wildlife Foundation they left a small area of trees among the homes and constructed a platform in which the eagles could build a nest. Generally eagles build their nest from 50 to 120 feet above the ground and usually this chore takes approximately two weeks to complete. The nests around Brents neighbourhood, all seem to appear in the 50 foot high range. The Hancock Foundation has placed “nest cams” in many of the nesting sights that they manage, which gives the general public the opportunity to see, from the comfort of their homes, just how amazing these birds are. Located in trees as well as atop large power poles and structures, these nest cams are quite interesting to watch. In this footage, you can enjoy the mature eagles tending to the one young eaglet and see just how cute the eaglet is when mom and dad arrive back home with lunch.

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