Persian Cat Plays With Balloons Like A Dog

5 years ago

There are cats, and there are dogs, and then there are cats who act so much like dogs that it can be hard to tell the difference. Edith, the playful Persian cat featured in this sweet and hilarious video, falls into that last category, and we recommend that you take a well-deserved break in your day to check this video out without further waste of time. Watching Edith leap and scamper after the two balloons her thoughtful cat mom has provided for her is definitely the best possible use of the next ninety or so seconds of your life!

What strikes us as being the most remarkable thing about this video (other than watching the careful attention and utter determination this focused feline displays in pursuing her “prey”) is the fact that she manages to “catch” these balloons again and again in her paws without puncturing or popping them. We’re not sure if this is an acquired skill, or an ability that some felines are simply born with (maybe this is something specific to Persian cats?), but we’re one hundred percent certain that our own dastardly duo of “attack” kitties would never be able to pull off.

Their claws would be out, the balloons would be popped within seconds, and then we’d have to spend the next half hour or so coaxing our cats out from under the couch or bed, or wherever they’d run off to hide once the loud sound of a popping balloon frightened them off. But there’s nothing like that to worry about in this adorable video, so never fear! This video is roughly ninety five seconds of pure, unadulterated enjoyment. We absolutely guarantee it! Watching Edith frolic with her beloved balloons is a pure delight, and a reward in the middle of a hard day at the office that you definitely owe yourself. Maybe it will even inspire you to try blowing up a balloon for your own cats and seeing what happens? Perhaps your own felines will prove to be as successful at keeping the balloon un-popped as Edith the expert Persian is.

If you’re not already watching this video, what are you waiting for? Hit the Play button, get ready to enjoy a few chuckles, and definitely plan on bookmarking this one to view again later, and to share with your cat loving friends. After all, don’t they deserve a bit of a laugh as well?

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