Five-year-old girl partially scalped in horror go kart accident

5 years ago

A little girl is lucky to be alive after she was partially SCALPED when her hair became caught in the motor of a child’s go kart. Lani Use, five, was riding on a 17-year-old gasoline-powered go kart at a family party when her hair became caught in the vehicle’s exposed motor belt. Her head was pulled backwards in the accident, fracturing her skull in four places and ripping the right side of her scalp off from her hair line to her neck. Mum Macie Gautreaux, 24, was walking a few feet ahead of her daughter’s four-wheeled go kart, designed for children, when she heard her family members scream. The mum and her husband Jacob Use, 23, watched in horror as Macie's stepdad, Jason Blanchard, 43, freed an unconscious Lani from the motor by cutting her hair with a knife.

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