Pig Adorably Splashes Around In Kiddie Pool

5 years ago

Oh my goodness! Doesn't this just warm your heart? If you've never spent time with a pig, you probably don't realize how truly adorable they are! They are just like the cats and dogs and other animals that we consider as pets and loved family members.

Pigs are much like dogs in that they do not have sweat glands. They pant when they are overheated, and enjoy the cool relief of swimming pools just like ourselves and other animal friends!

Have you ever heard of Esther the Wonder Pig? She is much like Abby. A full grown swine who is enjoying the pleasures of pet life. In this day, it is not uncommon for families to seek irregular animal family members. Esther's story has captivated millions all around the world as she was in fact raised for food. A twist of fate lead her to her two dads that have explored almost every avenue in an effort to share with the world how intelligent, compassionate and sweet these animals truly are!

How could you ever eat pork or bacon after seeing this? Pigs are considered one of the smartest animals on earth up there with dolphins! They have human eyes and endearing tendencies that make you squeal "awww" when in their presence.

If you've ever heard of the swimming pigs in the Bahamas, it's no secret how much these pigs just love the water! There are hundreds of pigs located on a beach set up to attract visitors where pigs swim all day! Their skin is sensitive though, so don't forget to load up the sunscreen!

It is sad to think about the pigs raised for food and that they will never experience this simple joy of life. Never given the opportunity to truly live or explore their natural exploration tendencies. Could you eat Abby after seeing this video? I would hope not! It is time for us, as a collective, to realize the individuality and intelligence of all animals, not just the ones we commonly consider as pets.

Abbey looks like she could do this all day long! Enjoy your pool Abby, we love to watch you! PS If you have a mini pig or pig pet at home, consider getting them a kids pool. An even funnier idea, hook up a sprinkler! You've heard of mud baths. That is the perfect way for these animals to cool down! Chilling if you will. Animals enjoying themselves is prices-less to watch. The entertainment in endless for themselves and you! Splash away Abby, you're too cute!

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