Weavers' Guild of Buffalo Celebrates 50th With A big show at Fox Run in Orchard Park

5 years ago

Doreen Kelly is a spinner and weaver. She got into it about twelve years ago and now has her own business teaching others to weave and selling her work. Some of Doreen's creations are on display in The Commons at Fox Run in Orchard Park with work from other members of The Weavers' Guild of Buffalo. The show celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the guild and the artistry of it's members. Past President Peg Houseman says that the group includes many different disciplines, adding "many members are not weavers, they are felters or basket makers, we encourage anyone to come and just be creative." The show runs through May 30th at Fox Run, One Fox Lane, Orchard Park, NY Hours Monday through Saturday, 8am-8pm. More info at their website. There is information about The Weavers' Guild Of Buffalo at their website. You can get in touch with Doreen Kelly and find out about her classes on Facebook at Countryside Weaving and at her website

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