Out for an ATV Rip in Punta Cana

5 years ago

While on vacation in Punta Cana there are many excursions available for those seeking a little bit of adventure. A word of caution, however, is that when heading out on these excursions the safety measures that are in place are really not up to speed with those that are probably in place in Canada of in the United States. On this particular vacation a group of vacationers decided to go on an ATV tour in the Dominican Republic country side. As there are many folks that may be experiencing a ride in a powerful side by side all terrain vehicle, one cannot simply just be turned loose and be expected to competently function in such an adventure. Prior to heading out a "Safety First" classroom session was mandatory. First and foremost at this session was having all participants sign a liability waiver indicating that they were aware of the risks involved and were willing to assume their own responsibility for these potential risks. The next part of the seminar was advise given that the course would involve a lot of sand, mud and dust and that a bandanna ought to be purchased for respiratory purposes. A quick run down of how to start the vehicle, how to put on the safety harness, where the gas pedal was and where the brake pedal was and the group was now ready to set about. The pace of the group was simply dependant upon the character of the assigned tour guide. For this ride it was shortly determined that our guide fell one hundred percent into the category of aggressive and fast. For the couple in this video the man was just fine with this guides approach and his female passenger a little less so. Ever the considerate driver the man at the wheel raced along at pace, capturing a bit of video and enquiring with his passenger as to her level of comfort. Safety first in Punta Cana ???

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