Two men fighting on train guy in beanie standing

5 years ago

I usually never post such things because that’s just not my thing but what I saw today shocked me. I was on the train coming from class and the guy with the guy with the black coat comes into the cart screaming at another passenger looking for a fight. The passenger changes carts and the guy with the black coat goes to that same cart to continue. He comes back to the cart that I’m in and starts an argument with the guy in the jeans jacket. (this guy is also in the same evening class with me) What shocked me was how calm and collected the young boy was. He could’ve gotten up and beat this man to a pulp. DO YA SEE HOW CLOSE HE WAS GETTING TO HIM?! This boy coulda whooped his a** but he literally used his words to shut this man up. Turns out the man was just having a bad day and taking his anger out on everyone else. I was shocked but I was happy that the young man didn’t use violence to get the man to calm down. #theshaderoom #mta #brooklyn #nonviolence #mentalhealthawareness two men fighting on train guy in beanie standing guy in jean denim jacket sitting down

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