Bizarre Video Shows Log Burning In Fire At Temple Which Looks Exactly Like A DOG

5 years ago

Although many people have been advocating an approach to nature based on its intelligibility, we are far from tying down the giant that is nature with our minds. Emerson writes that the perception of the inexhaustibly of nature is an immortal youth. Although we shall continue to try to uncover nature’s secrets, let us also continue to take pleasure in our immediate encounter with it. Let us continue to be awe-struck, like the child on the seashore, or clambering up a tree. Let us hold onto that experience, and fight for the environment that makes it possible, both for the child in each of us, and for those that come after us.

The Earth is basically a giant cooling ball of fiery magma. It has taken the planet a few billion years to cool down to the level where it can be habitable, but it’s still far from cold. If we cut the Earth in half we’d see rings and rings of different layers of matter and in the middle of it all would be a gooey ball of liquid fire. The cold cosmic temperatures cool the Earth as it dances around the Sun, and the planet’s surface gradually hardens.

However, beneath the layer of rock we live on, the magma is ever moving and trying to find ways to release all of the energy it holds. The end results of this movement are other types of movements we know as earthquakes. Think of the magma as an ocean, and imagine the tectonic plates floating on top of it, if one moves, the others surrounding it move as well, and it goes on forever and ever. Every once in a while, the magma cannot be contained and it bursts on top of the Earth’s surface, creating volcanoes. The existing volcanoes might look like mountains, but on their summits there is a crater from which the magma spills out in its surface form called lava. Alongside the lava, the eruption can puff out clouds of volcanic ash and rocks.

Having said that, here we have a video of what we are guessing is a BBQ gathering in a backyard or a restaurant. There isn't much that the video shows concerning the location but what it does show is far more interesting and very creepy if we might add.

As the person who is recording this video get's closer to the fire, at first it just seems like a normal fire in a fireplace, however once the smoke clears and the camera is steady you will notice something truly disturbing. We wouldn't like to comment further as you can go ahead and watch the video and see for yourself.

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