Expert Driver Record His Driving Skills Throw Old Town

5 years ago

It was in Feb 14th , Expert Driver Record His Driving Skills Throw Old Town

Become a professional driver! There are many professional driving jobs available that don't require a commercial license, but you can go that route as well, which will require some of that education I mentioned before. My first job was as a delivery driver for a flower shop in a semi-rural area, way back in 1985. I drove my parents' cars, a VW Beetle, or an International Scout (lol, great truck).

Compared to today's cars, and today's driving situations, this was more difficult. We didn't have navigation systems (I had a wrinkly well used map), steering on the VW was manual, and rural areas are difficult to deliver in. I learned good car control and I learned to think about navigation and plan my routes to avoid surprises. I think that's a lesson many people need to learn. Cutting off a whole line of traffic because you forgot your exit was right here, is super dangerous. I've also delivered pizza for probably a few years total, at different times when I needed work .

Take every driving experience seriously and learn from it when you can. If someone cuts you off, instead of getting mad and possibly missing something, take a minute to see if maybe you could have let them in, maybe they had their signal on, and you were being a dick about it. Drive defensively, and learn to anticipate what other drivers will do. Study driver behavior in your area and learn how to avoid problems before they happen. Finally, mount a dash-cam so you can go over the crazy stuff to try to understand it. I understand why this happened now...

Just an observation when looking for parking: Read the signs. I can’t count the number of times when, at busy times and in crowded neighborhoods, there were perfectly valid and legit parking spaces because people didn’t read the signs, and didn’t realize that that temporary “no parking” thing was only going to be in effect starting the next day. Or was until 4 pm. Or just got forgotten.

Anyone driving a car, drive. Independent of the carefully crafted suggestions in this post, ultimately it’s about using the car for what it’s there for: to drive. We should enjoy it. It’s fun. Let’s try to regard a car as more than just something to get from A to B. Maybe we can focus more on how we can use it to get from A to B. Let’s get better at it. Let’s become safer. Let’s become more responsible. Let’s become more efficient. Let’s become better drivers.

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