Dog Figures Out How To Train His Human

5 years ago

The relationship between people and dogs is a link with a long history. However, so far people have not been able to answer all the questions about this unique "charm". Dogs of the Canidae family, including species like coyotes, foxes, wild dogs, wild wolves ... Dogs like we see today are scientifically determined to evolve from a gray wolf. Scientists believe that the "role change" from the wild predator species to a friend's four-legged friend is a change that spans many generations. A recent hypothesis suggests that ancient domestication of wild wolves could take place simultaneously in both continental Asia and Europe, with a gap of about 1,000 to 2,000 years.

Some scenarios are given: Wolves approach people because they want to rely on abundant resources, or changes in the environment and climate have pushed two species closer together. 15,000 years ago was supposed to be the time when wolves and humans began to become close, based on the excavation marks of some primitive dog graves. This burial act is said to be a sign of affection.
This "charm" brought profound changes to four-legged animals. Within a few decades, wolves opted for human life began to take on a very different shape from their wild relatives: The coat became patchy instead of pure, ears and The tail knows how to wave. Both behavioral and psychological characteristics of the species are also transformed. The dog's close attitude towards humans and other people is completely psychologically mixed with shyness and hatred of wolves for other beings.

However, there are still characteristics that are retained. The loyalty of dogs to humans is thought to be hereditary and variants from the habitat of the herd. Wolves are extremely attached to the herd and absolutely submissive to the herd. In domesticated dogs, they regard the human family as their herd and obey the care of the owner.

Over thousands of years of history, dogs are no longer the only animals domesticated by humans, but so far no species has replaced the dog in a companion relationship with humans. Science has even proven that keeping a warm and friendly four-legged friend with you brings many positive effects on the psychological or cardiovascular health of the farmer. In some places, dogs are also brought to visit patients in hospitals, visit elderly people in nursing homes, and make friends with people with psychological problems such as veterans or people with mental disorders.

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