Did you ever wonder where the squirrel hides his peanuts?

5 years ago

Chipmunks and squirrels are a wonderful part of the cottage experience. These friendly little creatures can easily be tamed and they will gladly come and spend time with you to get a peanut or similar treat. Some of the best memories of childhood involve hand feeding these adorable animals. Almost every family has a picture of a squirrel or a chipmunk happily sitting on somebody’s shoulder to get a peanut. Interacting with animals teaches children valuable lessons and helps them connect with nature in a way that brings appreciation and respect, as well as fondness.

Squirrels and chipmunks love the arrangement too, and they will run back-and-forth to some unknown location all day long, stashing the treats for later. And at some point, almost everybody has wondered where that secret stash is. You may have even tried to follow your little friend, only to see them disappear down a hole or behind a tree. 

This little squirrel has a much more interesting spot to hide his goodies. A bird feeder, fashion to resemble the log cabin cottage where this little fellow lives, makes the perfect hiding spot. And when this family discovered that this is where he was going with the peanuts, they put a tiny camera inside the birdhouse to watch him. The footage made him look like a monster from a TV horror movie, mutated to fill an entire living room as he enters through the front door that is barely big enough for him to squeeze through. The footage shows him coming in and hiding his peanut before running off again to get another one. Whether he knows that there is a camera watching him or not doesn’t change his mind. He’s found a spot where the peanuts are up off the ground, dry and safe, and nothing bigger than he is can find his pantry and raid it.

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