How Humans React When They Smell That Death Is Nearby

6 years ago

Your body knows when death is near and you can smell it. Putrescine is the smell of death.

#SmellOfDeath #Putrescine #Facts


If there is one thing that it is certain, it’s that science has proven that our bodies have the ability to smell death. We don’t have to be able to pinpoint what that smell is, but we certainly know how to react to it. If you thought that the sense of smell directly relies on how you interpret it, you’re “dead wrong.”

We are more than capable of detecting many different smells, many of which we have no clue on how to interpret, but we react to them in a variety of ways. For example, we are able to detect chemo signals, which we identify as threats and fear of attraction.

This is the same case when we smell death. A recent study was conducted on the behavioral effects of putrescine on humans which show that we are no different than the way animals behave when exposed to this scent.

When animals are exposed to the scent of putrescine, they associate it with two kinds of danger: the first being that a predator that is higher in the food chain is nearby. The second is that certain pathogens are present that can put their life in danger if physical contact is made.

In both of these cases, animals responded by staying away from the area. Under no circumstances did the animals want to take the chance/risk of being harmed or potentially dying.

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