Puppy tries everything to get old dog to play

5 years ago

Little Mia was dumped in the trash by a back yard breeder 2 months ago. It was a rainy, freezing winter night and she was only a bit over a pound when discovered. In a twist of fate, the man who found her had adopted his dog from a rescuer who had witnessed her being thrown out like trash as well. He called that rescuer immediately and little Mia turned into a "rescuer's foster failure" within 2 hours!

Little Mia now lives with her 100 pound buddy, Roso.

Mia goes to work as a canine real estate agent daily and has proven that she was born to be a therapy dog after comforting a family for 3 days after a tragedy struck.

Mia loves everything and every one. Especially her best friend Roso.

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