This Is Why You Keep Waking Up At The Same Time Every Night

5 years ago

Do you wake up at the same time of the night all the time? This is what it means.

#Sleep #Sleeping #SleepMeditation


5. Difficulty Sleeping Between 9-10 p.m.You May Be Stressed. If you don’t feel relaxed and sleepy at this time, this could be due to stress. Try meditation before you go to bed. Emma Richards of Marie Claire also suggests Yoga Nidra, for sleep meditation, to really usher in the zzz’s.

Meditation is a great way to relieve your stress and relax your mind. It helps you forget about the worries which plague you throughout the day, and allows you to stay in the present moment - completely relaxed and stress free. To meditate, all you have to do is find a quiet place. Sit or lay down, and close your eyes. Slowly start to breathe in and out. Clear your mind of all thoughts and just focus solely on breathing. If distracting thoughts start to come into your mind, just move your thoughts back to breathing in and out. If you are a beginner, do this for five minutes and gradually increase how long you are doing it as you become better at it. You will find that it helps calm your mind, and may even help you fall asleep while improving the quality of your sleep at the same time.

4. Are You Waking Up Between 11 p.m. And 1 a.m.? You May Be Experiencing Emotional Disappointment. Chinese medicine tells us that the gallbladder, which is linked to how we feel, is active during this time. If you are experiencing this type of sleep disruption, suggests practicing mantras and self-acceptance. Mantras, like meditation, can help relieve our stress and relax us. They instill positive thoughts into our minds and can have a positive effect in our self confidence and self acceptance.

3. Are You Waking Up Between 1-3 a.m.? It May Mean You Are Angry. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundation notes that issues with liver functionality are typically associated with anger and frustration. In this case, suggests drinking a cold glass of water as well as practicing meditation in order to help ease the tension.

If you find that you are angry and tend to lose your temper for the smallest of reasons, you should also consider speaking to a therapist. A therapist can help you understand why you react to certain things in a specific way, and can help you get to any deep rooted issues which may be causing your anger. Through practicing meditation and seeking help from a professional, you can heal ease your anger, which may be able to help you sleep better at night.

2. Waking Up Between 3-5 a.m.? A Higher Power May Be Communicating With You. This time of night corresponds to the lungs which are connected to sadness. Chinese medicine suggests that a greater power or presence may be relaying a message to you. Being awake at this time may be a sign that a spiritual or divine being is attempting to guide you to a greater purpose, says The Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundation.

If you do not believe in a higher power, try tapping in to your inner emotions to really find out why you are feeling the way you are feeling. This is where meditation can play a huge role in helping you discover who you really are while easing any unnecessary stress in your life.

If you are experiencing deficient lungs or have symptoms including pessimism, self-pity, injustice, and desperation it’s important to reevaluate your worldview. The phrase “able to breathe” is not only about the physical ability to breathe but it also refers to a feeling of ease and self-assuredness. Try practicing breathing exercises and meditation to induce sleep.

1. Are You Waking Up Between 5-7 a.m.? You May Be Experiencing Emotional Blocks: This might be related to intestinal health. Intestinal problems are tied to emotional imbalances, according to Stepping Stone Acupuncture and Wellness. “An emotional imbalance in the large intestine energy could manifest as chronic constipation, but it could also manifest as a tendency to hold on to the negative”

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