5 Liver Disease Symptoms That You Should Know

5 years ago

Liver disease symptoms that indicate that your liver is damaged and you must change your lifestyle.

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6. Your Blood Sugar Is Low: According to Healthline, one of the main responsibilities of your own liver is to maintain your blood sugar level. If your liver has been severely compromised, your blood sugar will begin to drop. Your liver processes and produces glucose after you eat a meal. But if it doesn’t have the ability to release the glucose into the blood, your glucose level will begin to drop. This results in low blood sugar levels which causes extreme fatigue.

5 Hormone Imbalance: Your own liver also regulates your sex hormones. If your liver is severely damaged, it could result in an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen levels. This can lead to serious health problems such as worse PMS symptoms and also low libido.

Do you recognize any of these signs so far? Make sure you stick around until the end, because we’ll tell you what you can do to improve your liver’s health!

4. Unexplained Mood Swings: Your brain controls your mood and memory. If toxins begin to enter your brain, you could start to experience mood swings and even forget certain things. In many anxiety and depression cases, the liver is severely damaged. If you start to notice unexplained mood swings and memory loss, go speak to a health professional.

3. Low Immune System: Many people don’t realize this but your own liver plays a big role in building your immune system. The nutrients that it provides for the body help fight off infections. It also helps prevent toxins from infecting the body by releasing them. The Mayo Clinic states that if your liver cannot do this, your immune system will become weak.

If you notice that you are feeling weak or fatigued, or if you keep getting sick, it may be your liver. If you feel weak and also start to show the other symptoms described in this video, you should consider checking to see if you have liver damage.

2. Sleeping Disorder: Have you ever experienced sleeping beside or near someone who snores? It’s annoying and can be an absolute pain to deal with. In some cases, the reason why a person is snoring is that the airway they’re trying to breathe through is blocked. It can be blocked for 2 to 3 minutes. If you’ve been told that you’re starting to snore, you might want to go to your doctor and get your liver checked out. Why? Well, According to a study conducted by researchers called Managing Sleep Disturbances in Cirrhosis, sleep disturbances such as insomnia, sleep apnea (which can cause snoring), and other sleep disorders are common symptoms associated with liver cirrhosis. The study also states that this sleep disturbance can negatively affect a person's life and cognitive functions, and that those who suffer from liver disease may also experience restless leg syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea.

1. Chronic Fatigue: The Mayo Clinic states that in addition to having a weakened immune system, if your liver is damaged, you will also experience chronic fatigue. This chronic fatigue can lead to lack of sleep, lack of energy, and an overall sense of malaise. And if you continue to feel constantly fatigued and are not getting enough sleep, you may start to notice that your mind seems to be foggy. You may find that you are confused and forgetful as well. In addition to this, if your own liver is being overworked, then it won’t be able to filter blood properly. Because of this, toxins are left to roam free throughout the body. In some cases, those toxins can make their way to the brain and affect your sleeping patterns. If this occurs, you may experience symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, and difficulty making everyday decisions.

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