Mom Hilariously Busts Out Dance Moves On Highway While Stuck In Storm

5 years ago

What do you do when you're stuck in snow traffic for four hours? You can do what this mom did and crank up the Backstreet Boys and get out and break a move.

This mom and her kids were traveling on I-25 during a winter storm, when traffic had stalled. Boredom kicks in (and I might add that after several hours, perhaps insanity). Moms love their kids and they love interacting with them and getting their reactions. The cold and the snow didn't dampen her spirits though. She found some danceable music and pumped up the tunes. To the embarrassment of her teenage boy and the entertainment of her daughter (who was filming the ordeal), this happy-go-lucky mother made the highway her dance floor. Walking up and down between other motorists, vainly hoping she might inspire them to get out of their cars, she never missed a beat and never lowered her spirits.

For some people the snow brings out the crankiness. For others, perhaps nostalgia or feelings of wanting to spend time with family. But for many others, there is a sparkle of energy and the desire to get out and play in it. What is it that brings out those feelings? Is it the freshness of the pure white snow? Is it that the snow has cleaned the contaminants out of the otherwise polluted air? Maybe there is a scientific explanation as to what brings people outside in the cold to make snowballs, snow creatures and to walk through the crunchy white stuff? Who knows?

What we do know is that a layer of snow on the ground brings out the child in even the oldest of us. We’ll brave the cold and even handle the snow and ice until our fingers are numb. We'll walk through the slush (as the girl filming this video) and get our shoes and clothing wet and it doesn’t seem to matter. We'll throw snowballs at each other and maybe even involve our neighbors or complete strangers who may or may not even want to be in on it. The playfulness is contagious. The mere mention of snow makes the childlike heart skip a beat and run for the windows to see the flakes descending from the heavens. In this case this playful mom couldn’t resist the call to get out and dance, eliciting a multitude of different feelings from other motorists and most of all, her children.

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