Mother shows incredible tolerance when stranger cuddles her foal

5 years ago

Fling is an amazing horse with a beautiful personality. She is calm and patient, and remarkably trusting of the humans around her. But her display of patience on this day was nothing short of unbelievable.

Fling lives on a beautiful farm near Peterborough, Ontario, run by Ali and her husband. She had given birth to Felix three weeks earlier, and not surprisingly, he was also a horse with an exceptional personality. Spunky and energetic, he plays enthusiastically in the sunshine each day and runs and bounces in the meadow. He is as friendly and trusting of humans as his mother is. He loves new visitors and he will greet each one happily. But today would be an unusual day for Felix and for everybody at the farm. Ali had invited her friend, Dave to meet Fling and Felix. Dave is a big animal lover with a soft spot for horses but he had never met a foal. Ali was sure that the two would hit it off and she knew all about the joy that horses can bring to everyone.

Felix greeted Dave with enthusiasm and Fling sniffed him cautiously. Felix was in the mood to play and he showed Dave how fast his new legs could carry him around the barnyard. After an hour or two of playing chasing each other, Fling sat down on a mat of hay, as if he was out of steam. Dave sat down beside him, watching Fling to make sure she was okay with this. Amazingly, Fling grazed nearby and acted as if everything was perfectly alright with her.

Even more surprisingly, Felix rolled onto his back and his side and acted like a giant dog who wanted a belly rub. He leaned on Dave and nuzzled affectionately.

Dave and Ali were surprised that Fling showed no sign of concern. She munched away happily on hay and grass and wandered around them.

Ali texted Felix’ owner, Shauna about what was going on, and she sent him a picture. All three were in awe over how snugly and playful Felix was and Ali commented that she had never seen anything like this in all the years that she had raised horses. Shauna was understandably jealous. For Dave, the biggest surprise in all of this is that Fling, a new and protective mother would allow a stranger to get on the ground and snuggle with her new baby. Her patience and acceptance was very impressive.

You can see the joy on Dave’s face and hear it in his voice. This was a day that he would never forget.

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