10 Reasons You Are Gaining Weight Instead Of Losing Weight

5 years ago

Why are you gaining weight even though you are trying to loss weight?

#WeightLoss #Weight #GainingWeight


10. You are Not Eating Breakfast: Many people skip breakfast. You need to try to eat a healthy breakfast. Also try to eat healthy throughout the whole day. When you eat breakfast, you energize your body and feel more alert. You also stay full throughout the day and tend to eat less during your lunch and dinner. When you skip breakfast, your body becomes extremely hungry, and by the time lunch or dinner time roll around, you tend to eat more than you usually would. It’s best to eat breakfast so that you are energized throughout the day and get your metabolism started early.

9. You are Not Getting 7-9 Hours of Sleep. When you don’t sleep enough you are increasing a weight-gaining hormone called cortisol. Too much sleep, and you are still increasing your body mass. Experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep for a healthy balance.

8. You are Not Going Outdoors: Once you wake up, open the curtains. Light helps ignite your body’s metabolism so don’t stay in the dark for too long. At least 20-30 minutes of outdoor sunlight is enough to affect your body mass.

7. You are Not Keeping A Clean and Comfy Bedroom: Keeping your bedroom clean and comfortable keeps environmental toxins out and can impact the quality of your sleep. Remember it’s not only the quantity, but also the quality. Try to start a daily habit of cleaning your room every morning or every night. Once you make it a habit, you will wonder why you don't always do it. A clean, stress free room and home will help you sleep better and increase your overall happiness when you realize that you don’t have to stress out about cleaning so much.

6. You are Not Measuring Your Weight Every Day: Weigh yourself every day so if your plan is not working, you can adjust it. Weighing yourself will also keep you motivated. Do this in the morning. That’s when the body has less water weight so the measurement is more precise.

Try not to obsess about it too much, and keep in mind that depending on how much water you are retaining, you will notice that your weight fluctuates a few pounds every few days. This is perfectly normal, and is nothing to panic about. If you had a carb heavy dinner the night before and are shocked to see the scale jump up five pounds the next morning, don’t freak out. You didn't just gain 5 pounds overnight - all that weight is merely water weight, and will go down within a few days.

5. You Are Not Leaving Any Room in Your Stomach: Our parents taught us to eat everything in our plate. You should not always eat until you are full. The Japanese use a trick where they spit their meal into 10 segments, but only eat 8. If this trick doesn’t work, use a smaller plate, that way your portion will appear bigger.

4. You Are Not Going for Regular Walks: Are you a couch potato? Resist the pull of your couch or office chair and spend more time on your feet. A couple of extra hours of couch time a day can increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. By going out every few days for a brisk 20 to 30 minute walk, you can slowly start to introduce a form of exercise to your life and also burn calories.

And instead of taking the elevator at work or driving to the corner store, consider taking the stairs or walking to the store. You can also consider taking your bike, too! These are great alternatives which can help you burn calories. This can lead to eventual weight loss!

3. You Are Not Avoiding Zero Calorie Soda: Do you think zero calorie soda will keep you slim? Wrong. Zero calorie sodas are filled with synthetic estrogen which affects your thyroid gland, leading to weight gain, according to Red River Health and Wellness.

2. You Are Not Going to Bed: When you ignore your bedtime you’re contributing to the factors that cause anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Resist the temptation to be a night owl and catch some zzz's. As mentioned earlier in this video, you should also avoid the kitchen at this time.

1. You Are Not Sleeping with the Lights Off: Sleeping with the lights on lowers the quality of sleep. And as we know, sleep is extremely important because it helps our bodies rest and recover. Sleeping with electronics or lights on can interrupt your sleep and affect the quality of your sleep, so it’s best to shut everything off at least half an hour before you go to bed.

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