14 Fast Food Items You Should Never Order

5 years ago

Fast food items to never ever order if you're trying to eat a healthy diet.

#Nutrition #EatingHealthy #FastFood


14. Lunch Meats. You might opt for a sub sandwich as a healthier fast food alternative to a burger, but that’s not always the case. Due to how processed lunch meats are, the high levels of sodium can cause high blood pressure, and The American Institute for Cancer Research warns that they can increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

13. Pre-Dressed Salads. While salads are generally the healthier of options when it comes to fast food, many places over-dress their salads to improve the taste. It’s recommended to get dressing on the side and to not use an entire packet. There can be a surprising amount of calories, sugar, and fat in a pre-made dressing, which can make this meal option a lot less healthy.

12. Coleslaw.
When it comes to ordering sides for your meal, coleslaw might seem like a fairly safe bet. However, this is one side you should really avoid. Considering coleslaw is made with a ton of mayonnaise, the calorie count can parallel that of an entire meal so don’t be fooled by the sight of that cabbage.

11. Condiments.There are some fast food items where condiments are a match made in heaven, but you should take into consideration that each packet has more sugar and salt than you may realize. It’s always best to order meals plain so that you can be in control of the number of condiments being added.

10. Breakfast Plates. Many fast food restaurants that offer a breakfast menu will have some sort of plate that includes all of the favorites from eggs to hash browns. The problem with these plates is that usually everything on them is cooked with a lot of butter, which can result in a fat intake that is more than the recommended amount per day.

9. Value Meals. Many fast food restaurants offer value meals that are tempting for their price, but most aren’t worth the high-calorie count and amount of fat.

8. Ice. It’s only natural to want to fill your cup with ice before dispensing your fountain drink selection, but you might want to reconsider hitting that ice button. According to fast food employees on Reddit, ice machines are rarely cleaned and many can have mold lurking within.

7. Chili.
A warm bowl of chili can be awfully tempting but you should be cautious about where you’re ordering it. There are some fast food restaurants that just use old meat and chop it into pieces to compose their chili, which makes this hearty dish a lot less tempting.

6. Fish Patties.
Unless the fast food place you’re going to specializes in fish, you should probably refrain from ordering anything fish-related. Many fast food employees have revealed that fish patties tend to get left out a lot longer than they should be.

5. Flavored Coffee Drinks.
Flavored brews may be tasty but they can be hiding a lot more sugar than you would think to put in your own drink. If you’re concerned about your sugar intake, make sure to order your drinks plain and with skim or low-fat milk. Flavored coffee drinks tend to be high in sugar and low in nutrients.

4. Eggs. It’s hard to find a breakfast menu item that doesn’t contain eggs, but you should be a little wary when ordering them. Fast food restaurants rarely use fresh eggs and instead will microwave them or they will have a lot of preservatives to maintain their color, texture, and taste.

3. Veggie Burgers. Unless you’re at a vegetarian establishment, you probably should avoid the veggie burger if you don’t eat meat. More often than not, veggie burgers end up being cooked on the same grill they use for meat. While you can try and request that they clean the grill, most places won’t have the time to do that in between orders.

2. Unique Menu Items. Fast food restaurants try to cater to a variety of tastes, but there are some items that are usually undeniably niche. Former employees confessed on Reddit that you shouldn’t order something on the menu if you can’t find at least one or two other items that the ingredients could be used in. Items that aren’t ordered frequently are much more likely to be on the lesser side of fresh.

1. Tuna Sandwiches. Thinking about ordering a tuna sandwich? You might want to think again. Many fast food restaurants that offer tuna sandwiches use a lot more mayonnaise than tuna. This may make the sandwich tasty but there are probably a lot more calories hiding in there than you realize.

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