9 Easy Ways To Tell If A Product Is Real Or Fake

5 years ago

Here are the tips to help you recognize fake gadgets. Cell phones have come a long way since they were first created. And because technology has evolved so much, people have learned how to make fake gadgets to make money off of unsuspecting people. But have no fear, this video will show you how to spot them so that you don’t get ripped off!

#Tips #Fake #FakeVsReal

1. Packaging: 1:45
2. User Manual: 2:48
3. Product Material: 3:13
4. Fonts: 3:44
5. Chargers: 4:31
6. Cords: 5:20
7. Cuts: 6:34
8. Screen: 6:49


1. Packaging: One thing you may not pay much attention to is the packaging of your products. If you’re ordering online, it’s important to pay attention to the details and check for any signs of neglect. The real product will be in pristine condition without any flaws. If you notice that your product is packaged in less than stellar material, or the material itself is falling apart, it’s a major red flag.

Fonts on the back of the product are also something to look out for. Look for legibility, and consistency. You should also double check to make sure nothing is loose or tampered with.

Fake products may be stored in boxes that appear very much like the original. One thing to check for is text written in a language that is foreign to the country of purchase. One clue that a product—especially an iPhone—could be fake is if it comes in a plastic casing. iPhones never come this way so it would be a clear sign that this product has been tampered with and isn’t the real deal.

2. User Manual: The user manual is a good way to get proof that the gadget you have is legitimate. It should come written in the language of the country it was purchased in. If it doesn’t, then you could be dealing with a stolen device or a knock-off product. The instruction manual is pretty much your gadget’s ticket to authenticity.

3. Product Material: Top brands are known for their attention to details - and the products are usually smooth and flawless. It’s a good idea to pay attention to things like this when ordering products online or buying second hand.

Ridges and seams can be a sign that your product is not actually brand name. A fake product may have a matte surface compared to the smooth shiny surface of brand name items.

4. Fonts: You may not have realized this, but product names are typed in very specific font styles and colors. If anything is different about the brand name or logo, you might be dealing with a fake. Small changes like coloring and sizing should not be ignored. The real product would never alter its appearance without announcing a design change, so if there is something different you are probably being ripped off.

5. Chargers: Certain details like seams on the plastic and a smoother finish distinguish the original from the fake.

Make sure to double check the writing on the charger as well. For instance, if the logo is skewed and there are additional symbols that are not included on the original packaging of that specific type of product, it’s probably a fake. These things may be hard to notice if you don’t have the original to compare it to, but you should also check where the product was made. That’s why Google can be your friend in this case! There are all sorts of forums, message boards and even social media pages that you can use as resources to help you spot a fake product from a real one.

6. Cords: Unless it has been announced or addressed by the official company, there won’t be any changes made to the style or design of the charging outlets. It’s important to take note of the size and color that the brand you are after uses.

7. Cuts: When comparing iPhones to the real product, you will be able to see that the cut is slightly different. On the real iPhone, the cut is smooth and seamless, compared to the fake one which has a thick outline.

8. Screen: You might also notice that the camera light is much more visible on the fake phone, and it’s a bit lighter in color. Once the phone is turned on, you may also notice that the response time is slower on a fake phone, and the screen dimmer.

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