CNN Host Calls Out Rep. Jeffries Over Calling Trump A "Grand Wizard"

5 years ago

Jeffries defended his comments by saying its time for an honest, albeit uncomfortable conversation about race in America. The congressman also argued that even though he doesn’t think Trump is a Klansmen, he does have “a troubling pattern of racially insensitive and outrageous at times behavior that spans not months, not years, but decades.”

As Jeffries noted several of Trump’s biggest race-related controversies, Camerota acknowledged his point that the president inflames racial tensions, but asked Jeffries if he’s inflaming the situation as well.

“Is that helpful,” she asked, “likening someone to the head of the KKK?”

“[The president] has presided over and engaged in directly a series of racially insensitive remarks,” Jeffries countered. “We cannot whitewash that, we cannot hide it, and on King day we should be able to have that candid discussion.”

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