Rare Glimpse of 3 Color Phases of Majestic Bald Eagle

5 years ago

The bald eagle is reputed to be the world's most majestic bird of prey. It's symbol has been the long-established emblem of the United States of America. The bald eagles' perceived characteristics of strength, courage, immortality, and especially, freedom, is opinioned to be representative of what the United States is all about. In the States the symbol of the bald eagle is seen daily by the majority of the population as it is on all values of paper currency and many US coins. It has been the official emblem of the US for 237 years. It's long lifespan, great strength and majestic appearance is what sets it apart from all other raptors. The impressive ease in which it glides high above on an average wingspan of 6 to 8 feet is remarkable. It is known to be capable of dive speeds of 75 to 100 miles per hour. With a set of razor sharp talons and an accompanying lethally developed beak, it is an impressive predator. It's very distinct appearance, with it's brilliant white head and tail feathers, makes it easily recognizable and identifiable.. It does not, however, become this great symbol until it reaches maturity at 5 years of age. The progression of color phases that it goes through may not be common knowledge to many people. It would not be a slight assumption to believe that most bald eagles are not recognized as such until they become the distinct image seen daily. The opportunity to capture on film, 3 bald eagles of differing ages, and thus color phases, together at one site, is perhaps somewhat rare. These 3 baldies are gathered at an animal carcass on the edge of a marsh. The one on the left would likely be about 4 years of age. The brown mottling on it's head, chest and wings tells us this. The eagle in the middle, in all probability, is 2. It's extensive white plumage and distinctively dark beak provide this clue. The eagle we have just a glimpse of on the right is at least 5 years old (and perhaps somewhat more cautious of the unnatural shape of the camera affixed to a tree). Featuring a strikingly white head, tail feathers and a golden colored beak, it is representative of the symbolic US national emblem.

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