6 Health Benefits Of Walking Every Day

6 years ago

The health benefits of walking every day. Staying in shape can be difficult, but it’s something that everyone should do to ensure their health. However, you don’t need to join a gym or run five kilometers every day. Regular walks can be enough to improve your health and keep you fit. The health benefits of walking regularly are numerous.

#Walking #Walk #Health

1. Improves mental health: 1:34
2. Effectively aids in weight loss: 3:03
3. Decreases the risk of certain cancers: 4:50
4. Helps to boost your immune system: 5:50
5. Reduces cravings for sweets and the need for “stress eating”: 7:42
6. Helps with mobility into advanced age: 8:30


1. Improves mental health: One of the main benefits of walking is that it can improve your mood. According to the Mayo Clinic, walking can help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise is a huge part of our mental health. It's no coincidence that you find yourself in a good mood after a workout! Exercise releases endorphins, which is the body's "feel good" hormones which improve mood. Exercising does wonders for both our mental and our physical health, and can help reduce stress. It can also reduce depression and can improve anxiety.

If you find that you are stressed out all the time or become anxious about things that you can’t control in life, try incorporating exercise into your life. A short, brisk walk when you are feeling stressed or anxious can do wonders for your mind. It will clear your head and reduce the stress that you are feeling. Not only can a walk help reduce your stress and make you happier, but it is also great for your physical health! When you start noticing that your body is changing and you are getting into shape, you will feel much better about yourself. Your overall mental and physical well being will have greatly improved - try it out!

2. Effectively aids in weight loss: Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that walking regularly can reduce the effects of 32 obesity-promoting genes in the human body. If you are trying to lose weight, try combining an exercise regimen and good diet plan into your life. Eliminate fatty, greasy foods from your diet and add in foods that are nutrient rich and good for your health. If you change your diet and start exercising regularly, you will start to lose weight and feel much better about yourself. All it takes is a bit of a lifestyle change, and, of course, consistency!

3. Decreases the risk of certain cancers: Two studies from the American Society for Clinical Oncology showed that walking three hours a week can reduce the risk of dying from breast or bowel cancer by half.

4. Helps to boost your immune system: Walking at least 30 minutes a day was shown to increase the level of cells in the body’s immune system in a study done at Appalachian State University in North Carolina.

5. Reduces cravings for sweets and the need for “stress eating”: Studies from the University of Exeter found that walking for just 15 minutes can help to curb cravings for sugary foods. It was also found to reduce cravings during stressful situations. So if you are trying to lose weight but just can’t seem to kick those cravings, go for a brisk walk. Not only will it take your mind off of your hunger, but it will also help burn extra calories! You can also try drinking water any time you get a craving. Water makes us feel full, so if you get a craving and want to kick it, try gulping down a big glass of water to eliminate the urge to indulge in sweets.

6. Helps with mobility into advanced age: A study by the American Medical Association concluded that one of the greatest benefits of walking is that it promoted better physical health in people aged 70 to 89. Those who got regular exercise in their younger years dramatically decreased their chances of having any physical disability.

Another great benefit of walking is that it helps cardiovascular health. A study from the Harvard Medical School found that walking roughly 20 minutes a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%.

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