5 Surprising Facts About Females That Are Actually True

5 years ago

Unusual facts about females that are actually true. You hear the cliches or the stereotypes, but some unusual facts about women are actually true and there are scientific reasons behind them. From a woman’s incredible multi-tasking capabilities to her heightened sense of smell, there are several unusual facts that are uniquely female and only pertain to women. For example, did you know that heels were actually worn by men first? They were considered a type of riding footwear, a symbol of status that made men look taller. Women of the 1600s started wearing heels to show their equality and “masculinise their outfits.”

#Females #FactsAboutFemales #Women

1. The heart: 2:28
2. The Brain: 3:58
3. Strength and Health: 5:23
4. Pregnancy: 6:11
5. Emotions and Senses: 7:17


1. The heart: The female heart is actually very different from a male’s heart. For example, did you know that the female heart beats slightly faster to make up for the fact that it’s smaller? An average adult female heart beats 78-82 times a minute while an average male’s heart only beats 70-72 times a minute, says consultant cardiologist Miles Behan.

2. The Brain: Studies show that although men’s total brain size is larger than women’s brains, a woman’s hippo­campus, a small organ associated to learning and memorization, is larger than a man’s and works differently. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine also conducted a study which suggests that women are more talkative due to the presence of higher levels of “language protein”, FOXP2, in the brain. Believe it or not, women on average speak 13,000 more words per day than men do!

3. Strength and Health: Although men are generally stronger than females because of their body structure and composition, women do have some body parts which are stronger than their male counterparts! Dr. Katherine Whitcome of Harvard University says women have a stronger and more flexible lower back than men thanks to evolution, as mothers need to stay mobile during pregnancy.

4. Pregnancy: There are all sorts of interesting facts about pregnancy and women. For example, according to The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, pregnant women are more likely to develop Pica, an eating disorder where one has intense cravings for non-food items, such as dirt or chalk.

5. Emotions and Senses: The German Society of Ophthalmology concluded women, on average, cry for 6 minutes while men cry for 2 to 4 minutes. They also concluded that in 65% of cases for women, crying will turn into sobbing versus 6% of cases for men.

Women also have a better-developed sense of smell, and certain biological evidence may explain why: it is believed that a woman’s superior smell is cognitive or emotional rather than perceptual.

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