9 Foods You Should Never Eat

5 years ago

Avoid eating these 9 foods, if you care about your health. It’s no secret that there are many foods that have been portrayed as healthy when they actually are bad for you. In this video, you will find foods you should never eat that, presented by Jared Koch, who is the founder of Clean Plates.

The problem with most food is that it is promoted by companies in such a way that it is convincing to most people. Companies use the words “sugar-free” and “all-natural” on their labels, but that doesn’t necessarily ensure that the food is healthy to eat.

#FoodsToAvoid #Foods #Nutrition

1 Canned Tomatoes: 0:54
2 Processed Meat: 2:31
3 Margarine: 4:25
4 Vegetable Oil: 5:22
5 Microwaved Popcorn: 6:18
6 Non-Organic Potatoes: 7:46
7 Table Salt: 8:21
8 Soy Protein Isolate: 9:18
9 Artificial Sweeteners: 9:59


1 Canned Tomatoes: Canned food contains BPA; which is a toxic chemical that is linked to reproductive abnormalities, increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. The Consumer Report’s testing states that only a couple of servings of canned food can exceed the safety limit for daily BPA exposure for children.

2 Processed Meat: According to a 2011 review of more than 7,000 clinical studies that examined the connection between diet and cancer, processed meats are not healthy and everyone should avoid eating them. This report was commissioned by The World Cancer Research Fund. Koch adds that processed meats are typically made with meats from animals that are raised in animal feeding farms. This means that they are fed growth hormones and other drugs.

3 Margarine: Margarine contains trans-fat, which according to Dr. Mercola, is an unnatural fat. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines states that Americans should consume as little trans-fat as possible. Why? Well according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, they estimate that trans fat causes between 72,000 to 228,000 heart attacks, which includes almost 50,000 fatal ones, per year.

4 Vegetable Oil: Mercola states that vegetable oil is highly processed. Mercola adds that when heated, vegetable oil can cause damage by converting good cholesterol into bad cholesterol by oxidizing it. When the oil is heated and mixed with oxygen, it becomes rancid. This is a chemical that should never be consumed because it can lead to vascular disease. According to WebMD, some vegetable oils can also contain trans fats, which you now know is quite harmful to the body.

5 Microwaved Popcorn: Microwaved popcorn contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Both these chemicals show up as contaminants in blood, and when heated up, leach onto the popcorn. These chemicals have several health dangers. The first danger is infertility. According to a study that is published in the journal Human Reproduction, researchers found that PFOA and PFOS increased the odds of infertility.

6 Non-Organic Potatoes: If you are looking for healthy fruits and vegetables, buy organic. Under the USDA organic rules, synthetic agricultural chemicals are not permitted in them. With that said though, not all conventionally grown fruits and vegetables have the same pesticide load. In 2013, 48 fruits and vegetables were tested by the Environment Working Group. Potatoes were among those that had the highest pesticide load.

7 Table Salt: Our bodies need salt in order to live. But the table salt that is found in processed foods is not the same as the salt that our bodies need, says Mercola. Mercola adds that processed salt is 98 percent sodium chloride and the other two percent is man-made chemicals such as moisture and added iodine, which is as harmful to the body, like ferrocyanide and aluminosilicate, which can also be found in processed salt.

8 Soy Protein Isolate: Mercola explains that the number one problem with soybeans is that 90-95 percent of them that are grown in the US are genetically engineered so they can create soy protein isolate. They are grown to withstand other lethal doses of herbicide.

9 Artificial Sweeteners: According to a report found in Appetite, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame have the ability to stimulate your appetite, stimulate fat storage and weight gain and increase carbohydrate cravings. The report also proved that aspartame and saccharin were found to cause more weight gain than sugar.

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