8 Facts About Ancient Women That Teachers Don’t Teach

5 years ago

These facts about ancient women are not taught by most history teachers. Yes, Ancient Women Wore Bikinis! Women have taken a huge leap in regards to equal rights over the centuries. They have constantly fought to make a difference for women across the world. But what about the ancient times? Those are historic times, especially for women. But teachers are not teaching about the history of ancient women. There are many interesting facts that many people don't know about women in ancient history.

#Women #AncientHistory #Facts

1 Ancient Women Had Equal Rights to the Throne: 1:24
2 The Right to Divorce: 1:54
3 Women Could Have High Religious Positions: 3:00
4 Ancient Women Were Highly Educated: 4:13
5 Ancient Women Wore Bikinis: 5:05
6 Ancient Women Were Very Athletic: 5:50
7 Chinese Women Could Be Abandoned By Their Husbands For Talking Excessively: 6:38
8 Ancient Indian Women Could Choose Their Husband: 9:32


Here are 8 Curious Facts About Ancient Women in History That Teachers Don’t Mention.

1 Ancient Women Had Equal Rights to the Throne: In Egypt, the government was actually more democratic than most ancient kingdoms. What made it more democratic is that any child, regardless of the gender, had equal rights to inherit the throne. As long as they were the child of the ruler, they had a shot at ruling! Men and women had close to equal rights at that time.

2 The Right to Divorce: In Ancient Greece, women were not considered citizens and their rights were extremely limited. But what they did have was the right to divorce. All the woman needed to do was have another male representative make the deal on her behalf. But what if the man wanted a divorce? All he had to do was throw her out the door.

3 Women Could Have High Religious Positions: In ancient Egyptian times, it was very common for women to hold high religious positions. In this day and age, you only see women as nuns. But in Egypt, they had the opportunity to hold the position “God’s Wife Amun.” The most important duty that God’s Wife Amun had was to assist the high priest. They would also be responsible for attending to God’s statue.

4 Ancient Women Were Highly Educated: The education that women possessed in Ancient Rome was very controversial. Women were generally taught very basic writing and reading skills. But some families did not agree with those teachings. So they would hire private tutors to give their daughters a higher education. The main reason for this is it would make their daughter a better option for husbands because of her intellect.

5 Ancient Women Wore Bikinis: When you think of bikinis, you think of the western civilization. But what if I told you that the bikini dates back to the ancient Roman days. Roman women wore something extremely close to what a bikini looks like today.

6 Ancient Women Were Very Athletic: Today, women are extremely athletic. Just take a look at Serena Williams, she’s absolutely dominant. But ancient women were also extremely athletic. Take Roman women for example; they were heavily involved in lifting weights and competing. They took part in many wrestling and boxing activities.

7 Chinese Women Could Be Abandoned By Their Husbands For Talking Excessively: Ancient China gave women almost no rights. If a woman was married, she was considered her husband’s property. In most cases, the first time a woman would meet her husband was at the wedding. As you could probably imagine, these types of marriages led to a lot of divorces. The reasons for divorce included unfaithfulness, theft, jealousy, and failure to bear a son. But the wife could also be abandoned by her husband if she talked too much. No one likes an excessive talker, but abandoning your wife because of it would sound crazy to society today. This goes to show how the history of ancient women is different than the everyday lives of women today.

8 Ancient Indian Women Could Choose Their Husband: This is an interesting fact because even in this day and age, arranged marriages are still very common in India. But in the ancient times, believe it or not, women were equal to men. Not only did she have the right to choose her own husband, but she could also get married whenever she wanted. Ancient Indian women also were highly educated because they received equal educational opportunities.

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