Puppy ignores owners request to stop chewing the Christmas tree

6 years ago

This year is Charlie the french bulldogs first Christmas and with his new family he helped in putting up the Christmas tree (more in chewing the baubles). Not only are the round colourful baubles fun to look at and play with for Charlie he has now decided the artificial Christmas tree tastes particularly nice too. Naturally dogs are inquisitive animals who love to investigate everything you bring into the home. As Christmas approaches and people start to put up their Christmas tree we cannot expect them not to notice it. In addition to the Christmas tree theres the lights, decorations and a potential place to pee.
A colorful tree appearing in your home can lead to it being urinated on or even being knocked down. 
Whether real or fake, the Christmas tree can be one of the most baffling parts about Christmas for our pets.
Real Christmas trees hail from the pine family, generally pine is considered to not be particularly toxic to people or pets. However, Christmas trees can pose a risk to pets if they pick up sharp needles in their paws or play under or around the tree where needles might cause damage to their eyes. It is therefore important to keep an eye on your dog when around the Christmas tree. Dogs will not usually try to eat the tree although there is always the odd exception and ingesting a small amount of pine sap will not usually pose a large threat to health. If a dog were to ingest a large quantity of sap it may cause a minor gastrointestinal irritation and upset stomach. Advice most will give is to choose a non-shedding tree out of choice if you prefer to have a real tree over an artificial one.

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