Puppy knows how to gather a crowd at the airport

6 years ago

“Hey dad, I am just going to go over here and see how many people I can attract ok! Last time I hit an amazing amount of 12.” This is what Ester the Schnauzer Poodle puppy definitely had going on in her mind this day.

After a 10 day vacation enjoying a Caribbean cruise as well as the Florida Keys in Southern Florida it was time for Brent and family to head back to Vancouver, Canada. Awaiting the arrival of their aircraft at the gate in Miami they sat along the side of the walkway as did many other travelers. Noticing a cute little pooch and his owner across the way and seeing the dog’s personality start to shine, Brent knew this was the perfect opportunity to record some memories.

Dogs of all breeds and sizes seem to attract attention. We all love to see the excitement of a dog when we approach them and offer our love whether from a scratch on the head or a gentle pat on it’s back. Ester here is a Schnauzer Poodle cross with definitely an amazing personality. Her owner commented that they travel often and Ester is the perfect travelling companion. She never gets air sick or car sick and never wanders far from his side. He also mentioned that on one trip to Las Vegas, even when the aircraft encountered some major turbulence while landing and having to actually perform an overshoot and take a second attempt, Ester was perfectly calm in her travel kennel.

Ester definitely is a crowd-pleaser. As you can see in the video, Ester plays her audience and wins their hearts. Once it was time to board the plane, Ester’s owner simply needed to start heading to the gate and once again she shows what a great pet and companion she is. Don’t we all wish our pets were this well behaved? Dog’s are man’s best friend for sure. They warm our hearts with very little effort.

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