Watch Head Of FEMA Shut Down Rep. Cummings Who Tried To Blame Trump For Puerto Rico!

6 years ago

Brock Long is the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and as he sat in front of Rep. Elijah Cummings during an investigation on what happened in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria, he was brewing with contempt for what it seemed as if Democrats wanted to put the blame of inaction on President Trump.

In a warm-up to upcoming Democratic investigations once the party takes control of the House next year, Democrats blasted the Trump administration's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Thursday, while the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) accepted blame for critiques of the government's response to the disaster.

"Place blame on me all you want, that's fine, I can take it. But that's not going to be the answer for solving the problems of the future," FEMA Administrator Brock Long said in his opening statement before the House Oversight Committee.

Long said the administration's "formula for success ... was not present going into Puerto Rico." He said he was appearing before the committee "in the spirit of improvement." President Trump earlier this year called the government's response to the hurricane an "incredible, unsung success."

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