Hoya carnosa - Time Lapse Blooming Wax Plant

6 years ago

There are over 100 species of Hoya Carnosa, also known as a porcelainflower or wax plant. The star-shaped flowers can vary in color, but are usually a shade of pink or light white. When they are ready to blossom, the flower buds grow into a small pillow-shaped structure with overlapping petals. As the pressure builds, you can see these pillows burst into beautiful flowers.

Hoyas are some of the best tropical plants for inside the house, as they are very durable and long-lasting. I have had this plant for years, although it does not always put out flowers. There is recent evidence that Hoyas are also excellent at removing pollutants from indoor environments.

This time lapse was taken in 2018. Originally, it was created over a period of about 90 minutes using continuous video. The video was then vastly accelerated to 1 minute, so that you can see the blooming easily.

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