Bizarre Moving Sculpture

5 years ago

The sculpture in this video is utterly unique. Located in downtown Montreal just outside Concordia university, it is a spectacle to behold. On days with just a slight breeze, the spinning arms of this kinetic sculpture begin to move, create an illusion that your eyes are drawn too.

As it is art, the representation of this sculpture is different to everyone. Some might view it as the arms of an octopus moving and shifting as it prepares itself to jet forward in the ocean. Perhaps it is a jellyfish, quietly dangling in the ocean abyss, undulating in movement, or even a flower opening itself up on a sunny day. Whatever people view it as, it is doing its job as a piece of art well; different in the minds and imagination to everyone.

Art is a subjective endeavor, and it takes many forms. To some, art is paint on canvas, and nothing more. To others it is cinema or music, and everything in between, and to the creator of this piece, art is a sculpture that moves in the wind, and has people take a moment out of their day to think of something else, and appreciate the piece flowing in front of them.

This sculpture is called “Di-Octo II” and was created by kinetic sculpture artist Anthony Howe, who creates many other works similar to this.

The emotions that one might get from this sculpture and indeed this video are not ones of joy or anger or sorrow, but instead a sense of eeriness. The sculpture moves in a way that is entirely inhuman, indeed alien, and with its flowing arms and shifting size can be somewhat unsettling. But as art is meant to be in all shapes and form, no matter how weird or bizarre this piece may seem, it is perfect, in balance, form, and overall appearance, just the way it is.

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